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Please note that PYP YOG Foundation Inc. is a US registered 501(C)(3) Nonprofit corporation.

9722 US Hwy 90A Suite 206 Sugar Land Texas 77478
Tue - Sat : 9AM to 6PM

For questions regarding Patanjali (USA) Yog events, please contact:

The Memberhsip Form of PYP Yog Foundation, Inc

Let's Help Each Other

How To Donate.

Donors willing to become members of any of the above categories or desire to construct Individual Room Units or Cottages in the Vanprasth Ashram, should fill up the enclosed form along with the latest photograph (stamp size) & attach a check of an equivalent amount of the category desired.

Check should be drawn in favor of

PYP Yog Foundation, Inc

& sent to the following Address:

9722 US Hwy 90A Suite 206 Sugar Land Texas 77478

    Disclaimer: All materials on this website are for guidance, and are not intended to replace your legal medical advice and do not claim to cure any illness. Patanjali Wellness Center is not a licensed medical facility. Employees of Patanjali are not trained or licensed as physicians in the USA for medical diagnosis or help. You are encouraged to discuss with your medical doctor about herbal supplements, therapies or any other services from Patanjali in advance of using them.

    Patanjali Wellness Center © 2024. All Rights Reserved.